1 Girl, 4 Looks: W Hotel’s Sophisti-Clashy Chica

AnThe first thing you might notice about Jenné Lombardo is that you can't help but notice everything. Her hair, her knock-em-out wardrobe, her tats, her jewelry…if there's anyone that spurts style from every pore, it's Jenné. As the owner of consultancy group The Terminal Presents, Global Fashion Director for the very hot W Hotels, and the creator of the M.A.C. and Milk partnership, Jenné knows a thing or two about the magic of awesome collaborations. Jenné always stands out in a crowd—even during the style circus at Fashion Week—and we're thrilled to bring you some of her own tips to kicking your own personal wallflowers to the curb.
Click through to see how this fashion guru whips up four outfits that's all her own.

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