Sometimes, it seems like the world of feet is divided into two camps: those who won't allow theirs to be touched, looked at, or commented on in any way; and, those who seem to like them a little too much. Well, gone are the days of such simplicity. Enter a third group of foot freaks: These folks may be either so self conscious about, or so obsessed with, their own feet that they're actually getting plastic surgery to make them look better. Yes, you heard right. Toe reduction, whether in the form of shortening or slimming down, is a strange, new trend in cosmetic surgery.
This below-the-boot surgery is expensive (not to mention, not covered by insurance) and just as dangerous as any cosmetic procedure. So, all we can say is: Why? We respect anyone's choice to get cosmetic surgery, even if it's not a route we'd go ourselves, but going under the knife just to make your toes look sexy seems a bit excessive. Or, does it? Perhaps it's true that nothing tastes as good as skinny toes feel. (The Huffington Post)

Photo: Via Shopbop