It almost goes without saying that Pussy Riot is a superior choice to the many failures, also-rans, long shots, lesser lights, and public cancers that make up the rest of TIME's short list. Super PACer Sheldon Adelson,
graceless loser Mitt Romney, the increasingly irrelevant Karl Rove, hated NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, sandwich salesman Michael Phelps, dudish electoral sidekicks Paul Ryan and Joe Biden (sorry, bros, ain't yer year), and many others are not only unworthy, they can't rock the mic. Also, unlike candidates Mars Curiosity rover and the Higgs Boson, Pussy Riot are actually, y'know, people. We don't know about you, but we consider a world where soulless robots or elementary particles win Person of the Year automatically post-apocalyptic.
Photo: Via Pussy Riot.