It’s pretty atypical that we hear of a notoriously elusive Silicon Valley tech giant getting all PDA-y in public. And no, the stars (we use that term loosely) of Start-Ups: Silicon Valley do not count. But, according to a pair of posts on The Daily Mail U.K., it seems that this was the case over the holiday when Twitter founder and Square CEO Jack Dorsey got touchy-feely on a yacht in St. Barths (which was estimated to cost about $240,000 to charter for the week) with his new redheaded love interest, who just so happens to be supermodel and Cambridge grad Lily Cole.
How’s that for some Silicon Valley scoop? The two seemed to have a jolly time over a break packed with back rubs, in-ocean trampoline meditating (not kidding), paddle boarding, bikini wardrobe malfunctions — you name it. Cole was so elated that she's taken to Twitter (naturally) to proclaim her excitement (think that rainbow post is about Dorsey?). Perhaps there are some model sightings in S.F. coming our way soon! (Fingers crossed.)
What is your take on this red-hot, budding romance? Let us know in the comments. (Daily Mail)

Photo: Via Daily Mail