We didn't think anything could be hotter than Chris Evans and Evan Rachel Wood's last Gucci ad. But — surprise! — the similarly named twosome surprised us by getting even sexier in the latest ad campaign, this time for Gucci Guilty Black. Despite what the name might suggest, the shots aren't in B&W, but instead, a Christmasy red and green — kinda makes us think of what might happen if X-mas took a slightly X-rated turn.
In lieu of your morning coffee, we think this imagery is just the a.m. rush you need, with Captain America Evans breathing/whispering/smoldering in Rachel Wood's chiseled cheekbone/ear region. Then, there's a second shot of the stars looking like they're thinking very dirty thoughts (that has us wonder just where Evans' hand is). Now, pardon us while we crack a window....

Photos: Via Gucci