Step Into Macaulay Culkin’s Terrifyingly ’90s Hipster Apartment

Oh, man — how did we ever miss this? Seems earlier this winter, Bullett magazine bravely entered that desert of mirrors and early '90s nostalgia that is Macaulay Culkin's life. More impressively, perhaps, its reporter and photographer came back with a rather unique tour of Mac's sprawling, littered 5,100-square-foot downtown Manhattan apartment. It's really something else.
The massive spot — which Culkin says was inspired by that of Tom Hanks' character in Big — is home not only to the former child star, but to his art collective, as well. Moldy Peaches' Adam Green and Toby Goodshank make up the rest of the 3MB Collective crew, which designed the various, '90s-themed set pieces that clutter its floors. Certainly, the Nickelodeon game-show decor and Nintendo-themed room would be a shock to anyone who hadn't seen them in Green's epic, iPhone-filmed movie, The Wrong Ferrari: A Screwball Tragedy (a classic of its admittedly limited genre).
As for the general atmosphere, Bullett reports, "the air is thick with the palimpsest of hard living: the cigarette piles; the alcohol bottles; the discarded, half-emptied cans of Red Bull; the 'Cobainsters' costumes; the way that conversations about past 'game nights' and 'cupcake-decorating parties' seem loaded with darker connotations." Is it sad that Culkin is clearly off some kind of rails? We can't tell. We mean, Mac is having fun (something rare for a former child star) and doing what he wants. But, honestly, as jealous as we are that he gets to kick around with his pals and make ironic art all day, his version of fun is kind of scaring us.
Click through our slideshow for shots of Mac's manic playhouse, the actor dressed up as Kurt Cobain, and Adam Green as a pirate (arrrrgh!). For the full photo essay, outtakes, and an illuminating article, saunter over here. (Bullett)

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