Our friends over at The Frisky have dug into the life and history of Angel Barta, a young, beautiful Hungarian blogger in Paris and Marc Jacobs' alleged online stalker. Barta, who regularly comments both there and on Refinery29 whenever she sees a post on Jacobs, claims on her blog that "Marc Jacobs has been using my ideas and my talent for 5 years, without my permission. He designed my ideas for many international fashion brands under his name. That talent and style was born with ME."
Barta also asserts that Jacobs is a closet heterosexual who often betrays these secret desires through public displays of affection and highly sexualized ad campaigns. Throughout her blog and self-published 2010 book, she says that Jacobs fell in love with her at first sight and, during the course of their affair, stole her designs. Afterward, he suppressed her efforts at creating a career for herself through psychological torture.
Certainly, anyone who knows Jacobs' history understands that this just isn't true. Barta did indeed meet Jacobs at one point (an encounter detailed on The Frisky), but her writings appear to be the stuff of severe wishful thinking.
In the end, it's hard not to roll your eyes and laugh a little at all this. Fascinating stuff, if also deeply troubling. (The Frisky)
Photo: Courtesy Angel Barta