Wonder how many fragrances were launched in 2012 (we know, you were totally losing sleep over it, right)? A whopping 1,400. And now, thanks to Dutch artists Lernert and Sander, you can now smell all of these perfumes together, at once, in one big, fat perfume they're fittingly calling Everything. Perfume phobes, hide your noses.
Apparently, over the past year, Lernert and Sander systematically collected sample vials of every single new fragrance that was launched. Now, they're combining all of them in one handblown bottle (designed to look like an elephantine sample vial) and displaying it at super-chic Parisian boutique Colette, so that innocent shoppers can be assaulted by experience the mix for themselves.
There's no nice way to put it: We're terrified by this fragrance. We've experienced for ourselves how polarizing fragrances can be, and the thought of having all of the stinky, sickly sweet, Bieber-tastic fragrances of the year in one place just kind of makes us gag in anticipation. But then again, who knows what happens chemically when you mix thousands of fragrance notes in one bottle? Maybe they cancel each other out and smell totally boring. Or amazing. We just don't know. For now, we are just happy that we will be too far away from Everything to even be tempted to find out. (Jezebel)
hotos: via Lernert and Sander