H&M would like you to have a very happy Friday. And not just because you can probably run there after work and find a sweet getup for the last-minute weekend plans you just made. It's going next-level happiness. As reported in WWD today, the brand will be doing some major brand extensions in the not-so-far future, expanding the quantity of H&M stores in the U.S., and more importantly, finally bringing COS to the U.S. of A.
The brand that is already available across Europe has often made us balance the cost of a plane ticket in comparison to all the loot we could pick up if we actually hopped the pond to stock up on COS's signature, minimalist-chic designs at affordable prices. While details are vague, there has been official confirmation from the U.S. president of H&M that "COS for sure will be in America." Hear that? "For sure." Those two little words are enough to put a smile across our faces. (Fashionista)
Photo: Courtesy of COS