The Best Easter Treat Of All: Stella McCartney’s Egg Decorator App

Stella McCartney lives the vegan life through and through, and while she may eschew animal products in her apparel and accessory lines, don't think she's above taking advantage of a few eggs in the name of fashion. In anticipation for Easter festivities this coming week, unveiled a cute Easter egg decorator app that's technically made for children, but we won't judge if you spend a while playing around with it.Drag and drop a variety of googly eyes, mustaches, hats, and neckwear to give your egg some Stella style (though, if we had our say, we'd love to have also decorated it with pastel Falabella bags and those awesome florals from Stella's spring '13 line).
Also, we love sharing — show us the friends you've hatched in the comments! (Stella McCartney)

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