See Inside The Home Of Mad Men‘s Costume Pro

Bringing the outdoors into the home is nothing new around these parts, but leave it to Janie Bryant to turn the alfresco theme on its head. The costume designer behind Mad Men (and proud owner of one of the prettiest engagement rings we've ever laid eyes on!), opened the doors to her L.A. home for, and gushes about her love for feathered friends: "Hummingbirds, peacocks, ostriches, and cockatoos are my favorite birds because they all fall in the categories of both quirky and elegant." (By the way, isn't her description a perfect summary of her style? She credits Liberace and Elvis as sartorial inspirations, after all!)
Take a look at our favorite moments from the tour, and click over to for a full run of the house — including an introduction to her adorable pooch, Lucie. Between the feathers and fur, you'd think she lived in a (chic) petting zoo, not Los Feliz!
Photo: Courtesy of Kimberly Genevieve for