Longtime readers will know that when it comes to Gwyneth Paltrow, we're...conflicted. Yes, we get a huge kick out of her over-the-top Christmas lists and zillion-dollar monogrammed sweaters. And we quite enjoy our weekly dose of goop. But no, we're not thrilled when she declares our lifestyle toxic and pointless because we don't subsist on raw, organic beetroot and daily bee-venom treatments.
However, in the May issue of Harper's Bazaar (on stands April 23), she reveals a truly shocking twist: Gwyneth Paltrow smokes! When asked about her favorite guilty pleasure, GP answered, "My one light American Spirit that I smoke once a week, on Saturday night." Granted, that's a pretty restrained schedule for a guilty pleasure, but we're still pretty shocked that she'd reveal this vice. Shocked...and kinda impressed (not that we condone smoking or anything).
In this revealing (and, frankly, humanizing) interview, GP goes on to disclose her conflicted feelings about her career, her marriage, and her anxiety over having another child. Furthermore, she owns up to use of anti-aging treatments like Thermage and Botox. "I've probably tried everything. I would be scared to go under the knife, but you know, talk to me when I'm 50." Honest and human, no?
After years of pushing perfection, we're kind of digging this vaguely mid-life-crisis Gwyneth. It's good to know that even a raw, vegan, yogier-than-thou icon has a couple bad habits. But not Cheez Whiz. She'd rather die. (Harper's Bazaar)
Also, please click through to see the much-cooler subscriber cover of the mag. We don't totally get it, but we're dying to know what you think. Why is her face covered? And is that a bonnet made of flowers?
Photo: Courtesy of Harper's Bazaar

Worth clicking through, right? Now, to the comments with your thoughts.
Photo: Courtesy of Harper's Bazaar