Hollywood has decided to turn The Little Prince into a movie (again), but this time, it'll be animated and include a heavy-hitting cast of A-listers.
The 1943 classic by Antoine de Saint-Exupery has been adapted into a handful of films already, but never with quite so much Hollywood power. Kung Fu Panda's Mark Osborne is set to direct The Little Prince, and so far, the cast includes James Franco, Rachel McAdams, Jeff Bridges, Marion Cotillard, Benicio Del Toro, and Paul Giamatti. Three Oscar winners, and counting!
Bridges is set to voice the pilot who finds the prince in the Sahara desert, and while the actor behind the prince himself has yet to be revealed, we're seriously hoping they pick a child for the voice (and not Franco). The guy is versatile, we'll give him that, but this role might be a stretch. Also, fingers crossed it doesn't fall into the same uncanny valley as The Polar Express. (Vulture)

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