Turns Out, Even Vogue Editors Have Painful Childhood Memories

It seems that even magazine editors are "blessed" with awkward childhood memories. British Vogue editor-in-chief, Alexandra Shulman, has just revealed her days of a “no potato” diet…as enforced by her mother.
Though in an enviable position at the helm of the U.K.’s fashion bible, during an interview on Radio 4’s Desert Island Discs, Shulman reveals the bittersweet memory: “My mum — I think I was about 10 — was worried I was getting really podgy so she said to the headmistress of our school 'can you make sure Alexandra doesn’t have potato?'"
Humiliating, huh? (Seriously, we’d take a swing at anyone who got in the way of us and those buttery, creamy carbs.) She continues, “I can still see it now, we’d have mashed potato in a Pyrex bowl with that pool of butter soaked into the middle of it and it would be on the table at school. And I love mashed potato.” So do we, Alex. So. Do. We.
It sounds completely cruel, but she manages to joke about it now. And, reading between the lines, her mother’s forceful ways maybe did us good, too. Editing Vogue since 1992, Shulman has outright refused to feature diets in the magazine, and bans stick-thin models from gracing her pages. What’s more, whilst she might not be as willowy as Wintour, or as cool as Carine, nowadays, she never compares herself to fellow females at the mag. So, perhaps tough love isn’t so bad. Mummies just care, don’t they? (Daily Mail)

Photo: Via Daily Mail

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