In between seasons of Parks and Rec, we often find ourselves feeling the effects of a Leslie Knope withdrawal. Life without Amy Poehler just isn't a life we want any part of, which is why we rely on her extracurricular videos and interviews to get us our fix. The comedian recently sat down with the editors over at Time Out New York for a chat, and quickly proved (for approximately the millionth time) that she is one of Hollywood's brightest stars — and one of the funniest actors around.
Our first point of proof: She's super-supportive of her castmates — and the first to sing their praises. "I’ve said it many times and I’ll say it again," she says, "I think our cast is the best on TV in comedy or drama. If you put our cast in any other show — Game of Thrones, Mad Men — we’d all be able to deliver. Singing, dancing, drama, sex, documentary — all of it."
The other proof of awesomeness, delivered in this interview? Poehler showed off her very relatable human side, admitting to going through the same feelings of uncertainty as the rest of us. "That fight to not be self-conscious is a lifelong fight," she says. "To do what you want and not worry about other people, or just to feel good…that doesn’t go away, certainly not at 20 or 30 or 40. Maybe 50? [Laughs] I’ll tell you at 50." Well, we'll be here, waiting.
Our only gripe with the interview? Poehler wouldn't give anything away about the show's upcoming season. However, she did mention that there could be some big changes on the way for her talented cadre. For more of the actress' insights (plus, the dish on her dreams of owning s sustainable farm), check out the interview in its entirety.
(Time Out New York)
Photo: Courtesy of Time Out New York