Why there isn't a blog called "Rihanna Doing Things" is beyond us — her mere existence is enthralling. For example, just look at her here, casually wearing a visor like it's no big deal. While some people make it a point to never step out of the house in, say, sweatpants, Rihanna won't leave home in anything that constitutes traditional daywear. If she ever decides to write a book, our vote is that it's a guide to dressing — particularly for jet-setting, because she's perfected it. Let's take this snap of RiRi leaving her London hotel as an example...
Lesson 1: Screw practicality when it comes to accessories. You know the TSA is going to tell you to remove all jewelry, hats, and whatever plaid shirt you've tied around your waist before heading to your gate, but that doesn't necessarily mean you shouldn't be blinged out — Rihanna basically has on arm-weights with all that gold clinking on her wrists.
Lesson 2: Wear white. It's before Labor day, it's summer, and white has basically become the color of traveling. We're not entirely sure why, but perhaps it's a means of purification before a trip to find yourself.
Lesson 3: When it comes to visors, say yes — especially if said visor is leather. Don't question why, just nod, and calmly whisper, "Yes."
Lesson 4: A practical heeled sandal is better than flats. If said heel matches your apparel choices, even better.
Photo: Beretta/Sims/Rex/Rex USA.