3 Days, 75 Miles, One Life-Changing Trip: In Bosnia With Space NK’s Founder

If you know anything about Nicky Kinnaird, the founder of Space NK, you know that her apothecaries always — and we mean always — showcase the best in boutique beauty. But, here's something we didn't know about Kinnaird: She is absolutely passionate about helping other women. Last year, Space NK introduced in Peace Eau De Parfum, delivering 10 percent of net profits to Women For Women International (WfWI), a nonprofit organization that helps survivors of war begin to rebuild their lives.
This summer, Kinnaird took her commitment further, traveling to Bosnia and Herzegovina to participate in the March of Peace — a three-day, 75-mile journey commemorating the 8,000 victims of the 1995 genocide. Through participating in this walk, Kinnaird helped raise thousands of British pounds for WfWI, giving the group much-needed resources to help the women who are still struggling through the war's aftermath. Her trip allowed her to see, first-hand, the progress that is being made...and how much more is left to go.
"Although this war was more than 18 years ago, it toppled the economy and shattered lives," Kinnaird says. "And, women are still struggling today to heal, to recover, and to reunite." Here, she shares her personal pictures and her diary exclusively with Refinery29.
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