Most of us fall into the trap of thinking that if we run an extra couple of miles, we'll completely cancel out that egg-croissant breakfast sandwich and copious post-work cocktails — if only it were that easy. So, to help you navigate the ever-changing world of diet and exercise, we suggest you join us in the On Your Mark Nutrition Goal Challenge beginning Tuesday, September 3.
First, you'll start by setting specific goals (Weight loss? Muscle gain?) with OYM's top fitness and nutritional guidance counselors. Next, these health gurus will help you navigate the grocery store, including giving you specific foods you should eat before and after your workouts — no starvation diet here. Throughout the course of one month, you'll periodically meet with the counselors to ensure you're tracking (and meeting) your goals. The cost is $200 — or priceless, in our opinion. If you're looking to add a new workout routine into the mix, all Nutrition Goal Challenge participants will receive 20% off a month's worth or 25 pack of classes at OYM.
Space is limited, so if you're up for this butt-kicking challenge, call OYM ASAP. Don't let the looming sweater season be an excuse for you not to.
On Your Mark Coaching + Training, Two Chicago Locations.