Photo: Via A Cup of Jo
We all go through ebbs and flows when it comes to our self confidence — one day you're feeling like a bombshell, and the next you're just not feelin' it. It's only natural that we can't always be 100% comfortable with ourselves — especially when we're talking about our buck naked selves. (Parading the birthday suit in front of your partner — or, even, alone in your apartment — isn't something that comes easily to most of us.) In fact, according to a study by a UK-based skin and body care firm, women have a magical age in which they become most comfortable with their nakedness: 34.
It may seem like a somewhat random age to suddenly achieve birthday suit enlightenment, but experts attribute it to a variety of factors. First off, by their mid-thirties, most women have come to terms with the ideal diet and exercise regimens for their bodies and metabolisms. And, we often find ourselves feeling pretty settled into a happy relationship (finally!) that affords us much more self-assurance than the more tumultuous relationships of our 20s.
Of course, this magic number isn't for everybody, but it's comforting for those of us still struggling through, to know that things can only get better from here. Take Cup Of Jo's intrepid Joanna Goddard: She has said that most of her naked neuroticism has slowly fallen to the wayside. Her college habits of draping strategically-placed sheets or always backing out of rooms has been replaced by a quiet comfort with her birthday suit — partly thanks to her older, wiser status, and partly as a result of her loving family. Amen to that. (A Cup Of Jo)