Londoners, no judgement, but when was the last time you actually cooked a meal? According to a recent Zagat London Restaurant Survey, the city's dinning out habits are almost on a par with New York, with a stonking 3.7 meals eaten out each week compared to 2.2 in 2012. (Oh, and that stat doesn't include takeaways either. Gulp.)
As Tim Zagat, the co-founder of the Zagat restaurant guides, suggests to The Evening Standard, “There are more younger people looking for good food but not in places with fancy decor and linen tablecloths. Eating out has become almost like eating in another room in a house, people are looking for a good meal but not looking to dress up.” We hear you, Mr. Zagat. Over the past couple of years, London has become a culinary nirvana, filled with pop-up restos, food trucks, and street food festivals that almost command us to leave our kitchens and chow down elsewhere. Seriously, just think about the rise of the mouth-watering BBQ, ramen, and burger joints that are springing up in London, and you can see that Zagat is onto something.
The survey also revealed that it's getting cheaper to go out for a meal in the notoriously pricey city, too. The average price for a three-course dinner is now £37.35 per person, which is a drop from £43.40 per head in 2011. New Yorkers still have it marginally better than us (at £31 per), but we're bound to catch up with them sooner rather than later. Check please! (The Evening Standard)
Photo: Via The Evening Standard.