You've seen them — the ubiquitous excerpts from books and magazines from the '50s that list ways you can be a better wife and woman. There's a seemingly never-ending supply of them, and each offers advice of things like "Don't speak so much" or "Look the other way if your husband strays." Though these always serve some serious shock value and offer a good laugh, it's still so disappointing that there isn't a current, relevant, inspiring example of such content. We did, however, come across "The Unofficial Goldman Sachs Guide To Being A Man". Naturally, we clicked on it, expecting it to be just the worst — but, we loved it.
This is not a meditation on the nuances of what is "manly," nor is it a cliche-riddled speech on how to lead a successful life. Rather, the list reads as more of a primer on how to be a grown-up. The advice ranges from more lighthearted approaches to youth, like "Never stay out after midnight three nights in a row…unless something really good comes up on the third night" or "Time is too short to do your own laundry." But we're also on board with the more serious advice offered, like "When a bartender buys you a round, tip double" and "When in doubt, always kiss the girl."
In other words, we didn't finish reading it thinking, "What jerks." And now we've decided we're usurping this list intended for men and using it for ourselves. You're totally allowed to roll those eyeballs at their suggestion that "Pretty women who are unaccompanied want you to talk to them," but the rest is solid. (Business Insider)