Back in March, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced a peculiar prize: They would award $100,000 for the creation of the "next generation condom." Their perspective was that the easier and more pleasurable it is to use a condom, the likelier people are to use one each time they have sex. Obviously, this could be hugely impactful on rates of both unplanned pregnancy and STIs.
So, what have the condom innovators been up to? This, apparently: A beautiful, bizarre origami condom that unfolds instead of unrolling.
For the designer, Danny Resnic, this project is personal — he contracted HIV after a condom broke. Now, he hopes the roomier design and easy-to-use model will encourage people to use protection every time — in turn increasing their chances at staying healthy. But what do you say? Is this cool and innovative in a way that you would be excited to use it? Or is it cool and innovative, but not quite practical? (The Atlantic)