What’s the waste-of-time exercise everyone needs to stop?
“I really wish that women would stop spinning. I say that with such conviction because almost every day in my office, I see women crying and unhappy because they can't fit into their jeans, because of the thigh bulking. There are some women who don’t have the genetic capability to build muscle, and they can do something like that without being affected. That’s a very small percentage of the female population, though. Ninety-eight percent of women will bulk completely. The problem with it is that it doesn’t show right away. You may lose a little bit of weight at first because it’s an easy calorie burn, but it’s not worth what happens to your muscles.”
Do you think SoulCycle is a cult?
“Well, apart from the fact that they ripped off my bands, I think they make it easy, and they make it look fun. It’s a total play on emotions. But, the women who come to my office after doing SoulCycle for six months aren't thrilled. Not only are they wearing down their joints, but also they’re sitting in a position that’s not getting to the deep abdominal muscles they need to get in to get the stomachs they want. They don’t know what the repercussions of the workout are. It’s tough meeting women who want to look feminine, toned, together, and connected to their bodies — but go and do something that’s the opposite of that."
What’s a good first step for somebody who has never really tackled their fitness before?
“I think it’s really important for people to be aware of their long-term goal, but detaching from vanity is really important. I don’t think anybody should be emulating someone, or trying to get ‘bikini ready in five days.’ It should come from the inside; it should come from the body and the urge to balance it. I think it should come from a desire to be proud of yourself every day and getting a workout in while trying to achieve all these other things in life. I think it should be that simple.
Is that something you try to instill in your clients?
“Absolutely. It’s actually why I don’t do one-on-ones anymore. The message is so important to get out to people at every price point, to make accessible at every level. It’s really important if we’re going to change. I’m a mother of two kids. I don’t want my son looking at women in an objectifying way. I don’t want my daughter to grow up thinking that she’s going to exercise to fit into her skinny jeans. That thinking is creating completely underdeveloped people.

Do you ever have days where you just don’t want to get out of bed and work out?
“I am a working mother of a teenager and a 15-month-old. I promise you — I have those days.”
What gets you out of bed on those days?
“I really believe that actions speak louder than words — it’s that simple. If you lead by example, there’s no confusion. Kids are really in tune with this. They’ll call you out when you don’t do what you said you were going to do. Then they start to disbelieve what you say. They’ll be like: ‘The next time you tell me the sun is yellow, I won’t believe you. When you tell me to do this, I’m going to do the opposite.’
What’s your bored, eating-in-front-of-Netflix snack?
“Oh, a platter of cheeses. I love popcorn whenever I’m watching any kind of movie. Cheese and chocolate, though, are my vices. I eat a Green & Black's chocolate bar (a big one!) every single day. But if I was watching Netflix and I could only have one thing, it’d be French fries.”
And, what’s next on your Netflix queue?
“I never have time to watch anything. I love Girls, and I really love Eastbound & Down. I really love that show. I have a weird crush on that guy. I’ve never done drugs. I mean I drink wine, but I’m totally against that whole scene. The show is perfect, though, because it doesn’t glorify it. I think Danny McBride is hot for some reason! I get so mesmerized.”
Lindsay Lohan is going to be on it this season.
“Oh, well then, I won’t be watching it. We’ll stick with Girls.”