Everything about this 30-second promo for Lifetime's upcoming House of Versace is incredible. As expected from the network, the film is brimming with drama, but this time, it's pitch perfect. From the second a needle threaded (in red) drops into oblivion, you can't tear your eyes away. Then, there's a crash and everything goes zero gravity. Kanye West's "I Am A God"? It's in there. Long plumes of smoke, decadently exhaled? Of course. The words that fly across the screen: "Her house. Her rules." HER.
"Enough!" her screech comes. Then, there she is: Gina Gershon doing an immaculate impersonation of Donatella Versace, dripping with that signature disdain. "If you want to put me on a leash, it better be diamond-studded or you can kiss my — ." she snarls. It doesn't get much better that that. We believe Jon Stewart would file this under your "daily moment of zen." Our week life is complete. Watch the miracle unfold below, and mark October 5th on the calendars, people. [Racked]