Did Justin Timberlake & Britney Spears Have The Greatest Love Of All?

It is not like we're obsessed with reliving our more youthful days and basking in the light of foregone relationships and forgotten moments, but hey, hindsight can be a wonderful teacher. And look, we're not crazy. We're most definitely not suggesting that the Justin Timberlake that exists today, in 2013, Tom Ford-ing about and wedded to Jessica Biel should, be with the Las Vegas-maven that is the current incarnation of Britney Spears. We aren't even saying that they would have lasted in ideal situations. All we are suggesting is that, at one time, during the early '00s, a man named Justin Timberlake really, truly loved a woman named Britney Spears, and some of us may not have realized (up until this very moment) that their bond was quite real.
Sure, we love Justin and Jessica and there is no reason to believe that they don't care deeply for one another, but to quote the great Cat Stevens, the first cut is the deepest. The first love is the most profound. The first time you fall is the hardest. Etcetera. Etcetera. But, does the world even remember how in love the two of them were? Genuinely? In a way that rivals Aaron Paul and Lauren Parsekian, Channing and Jenna, even, dare we say it, Winona Ryder and Johnny Depp. (Yes. Yes we mean that.) We didn't think so. So, take a stroll down memory lane with us...and open your heart to the love that was — and will never be again.

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