As anyone who's endured a graduate program can attest, it's nothing like undergrad. The first four years of college are a beer-and pizza-fueled dream, where you're holed up with your BFFs just not giving a darn about anything but having fun — and maybe finishing that paper. Or, at least that's how we choose to remember it. Once you decide to get your JD or MBA, though, you basically see nothing except your books and the bottom of your pot of coffee.
However, that doesn't have to be your fate. Graduateprograms.com recently conducted a study to narrow down the top 20 grad programs for fun and learning. The site surveyed over 40,000 students from over 1,200 schools, and ranked universities on the ability to make friends, quality of networking, the dating scene, and, of course, academic competitiveness. The result is a list of schools where you can work your brain and still have some semblance of a social life.
It is, predictably, heavy on state schools (spots #1 and #3, respectively, are the University of Colorado and the University of Texas), but a few private schools snuck their way in, too. And, there's even an Ivy League in the mix! Check out the entire list here, and then get back to that GMAT class. (Business Insider)