George Clooney's been named the sexiest man alive about a zillion times, and all the accolades are well-deserved. The guy oozes charm and charisma, and it doesn't hurt that he has a really good head of hair.
But it hasn't always been this way. For the release of his new space thriller Gravity, GQ took a look back at some of the Cloonster's most special coiffed moments. In high school, he sported a monstrously bad bowl-cut (dyed a brassy red!), before moving onto a curly mullet for his stint on The Facts of Life. He later grew it out into a (surprisingly) unflattering shoulder-length bob to play a wayward rocker in Red Surf, and then cut it all off for the role of Dr. Doug Ross on ER. Who knew a Caesar 'cut could look so good? And as of late, he's been rocking a side-part with the perfect amount of pomade.
Whatever your favorite Clooney hair stage, we can all agree, he looks really, ridiculously handsome now, right? (GQ)