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1. Does that make sense?
Many women end their statements with,“Does that
2. Just
“I just want to check in and see…” “I’m just concerned that…” We insert
3. Actually
“I actually think…” “I actually have a question.” Those actuallys make

4. Sorry, but…
“Sorry to bother you but…” “Sorry if this is a silly question, but…”
6. Kind of and Almost
“I almost think we should go a different direction.” “I kind of

7. Undermining qualifiers
“I’m just thinking off the top of my head, but…” or
8. Uptalk
Yep, you know all about this one, but it's important to include. In the English language, we raise our pitch at the end of yes/no questions. But, when you raise your pitch at the end of a
9. Rushing and piling on the words
When we don’t feel we have the right to take
10. Shrinking your space
This isn't about speech patterns, but it does change the way people react to what you're saying. Notice if the way you sit or stand shrinks the amount of