We all know that high heels aren't the best thing for our feet, but we probably don't want to give up their stylish effect entirely. So, if you're looking to maintain your adorable wardrobe, but want to minimize the detrimental health effects of those sky-high stilettos, what should you wear?
The Huffington Post created a handy infograph to guide gals toward choices that will make their podiatrists happy. And, some of it is common sense: Stilettos are the worst offenders, as they're both painful and risky to your health; sneakers are both comfy and safe to wear. But, some of the lesser known facts presented are scary and new.
For example, did you know that an additional 25% of your body weight gets thrust onto the ball of your foot for every inch higher you go? According to Dr. Neal Blitz, chief of foot surgery/associate chairman of orthopedics at Bronx-Lebanon Hospital, to avoid damaging weight on the ball of your foot, you should keep heels under two inches, if at all possible.
But, it's also possible to go too low. Ballet flats, while evenly distributing weight on your foot, don't have enough cushioning or support. This can lead to inflammation and soreness due to lack of shock absorption. It's important to rotate the types of shoes you wear at least semi-daily — especially if you walk a lot.
What's the best shoe to keep your toes in tip-top shape? Click through to see the entire infograph. (The Huffington Post)