Olivia Wilde Is Pregnant With The Funniest Baby Ever

oliviaPhoto: BEImages/Jim Smeal.
Our favorite person ever*, Olivia Wilde, is expecting a baby with her fiancé, Jason Sudeikis. And, this pleases us immensely. Both of their reps confirm they are expecting their first child. The couple have been together since 2011, and they have been equally and endlessly charming us with their commitment and relationship quips.
Apparently, Wilde has been excited about having a family for a while, even remarking, "Three (kids) is like a little party." Olivia has always been one of our favorite celebs, thanks to a couple of interesting tidbits. She was married to royalty for almost a decade, had a shaved head in high school, and thanks to her role in House, is now convinced she is a doctor and tries to diagnose her friends. Lastly, she was a competitive pancake eater, which is awesome. Now, we'll just have to see if she stays vegan throughout her pregnancy. (People)
*Maybe ever ever.

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