That's right, it's that time of year again. Nothing gets us in the mood for All Hallows Eve like creepy movies, and The Craft is one of our favorites. It's right up there with Hocus Pocus on the list of flicks we just have to watch every Halloween season. It was an instant cult classic, so much so that the movie got its very own special screening at the Hollywood Forever cemetery in L.A. this past weekend.
To make the evening better, the ladies of the cast showed up for their very own mini reunion. Robin Tunney, Rachel True, and Neve Campbell — a.k.a. Sarah, Rochelle, and Bonnie — surprised the audience with an appearance and a Q&A. Fairuza Balk, who played the evil Nancy, was noticeably absent, but we had a full-on fangirl freakout nonetheless. The actresses played nice and held back from conjuring any spells or curses, but we're sure they were a little tempted. Now, we're off to rewatch for the 100th time. (Too Fab)