Photoshop fails are always perversely enjoyable, because it's fun to watch an attempt to airbrush real life into perfection fail terribly. There's the case of Avril Lavigne's stick arm, Adam Levine's mutated torso, and of course, the manifestation of a one-legged Emma Watson. The latest retouched travesty to befall us isn't quite so flagrantly fake at first glance.
This model in a recent H&M ad looks relatively normal — but then, we noticed her thighs. Human thighs, even thin ones, aren't shaped that way, nor do they ever naturally feature a gap so wide you could stick a horse and saddle between them. Then we examined more closely and noticed that the dividing line created by the model's hands give it away: Look at the strange, unnatural proportion of her hips to her waist. Impossible. Perhaps H&M's art department thought her hands sufficiently camouflaged the disparity between the tweaked areas of her female form, but we're calling them out: Try harder next time. (The Gloss)