An App That Can Read Your Mind? Google Says It’s Possible…

Hands up: Who’d like their very own psychic personal assistant to sort through all their life admin? Y’know, someone who just happens to know what we want before we even do? Well, according to The Daily Mail, Google has launched an app that promises to do just that, and we’re pretty psyched about it.
Available on iPhones, iPads, and Android, Google Now uses “predictive analysis” technology, which can, surprise surprise, predict what we want, and provide us with the necessary information to achieve it. But how does it work? Based on an algorithm that pools together small scraps of information contained within our smartphones, such as calendar entries, location data, email information, and social networks, Google Now presents users with "cards" containing useful information relating to a particular location or event.
For example, heading to a meeting in Manchester? Google Now will pick up this information up from your phone, and check important things such as the route, weather, and traffic conditions. Heading for your weekly supermarket shop? The app will detect your location, and update your phone with the latest deals to ensure it’s a cost-effective shopping trip. Genius or what?
The app’s technology forms part of Google’s wider strategy for updating its search algorithm. All searches are now responded to as if a human were answering your query, rather than just returning searches on individual keywords. And, that’s effectively the essence of Google Now; a “mini human” living inside your smartphone, guiding, advising, and playing all-around personal assistant. Now there’s an idea we could certainly get onboard with. (The Daily Mail)
Google-Now-homepagePhoto: Via The Daily Mail.

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