Lindsay Lohan Is Writing A Book — Copies For All!

rexusa_1837061ayPhoto: Gregory Pace/BEImages.
Truth: Lindsay Lohan's life has had enough, sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll to be considered a serious page-turner in the publishing world. And, apparently, Lohan agrees. According to Crushable, LiLo is penning a book, taking inspiration from a series of journals she recorded while bouncing around between rehab facilities.
Crushable reports that the book was being filmed for LL's docu-series on the OWN network and was given the full seal of approval by Oprah herself. But, in case you still need convincing that this is actually going to go down, Lohan was seen meeting with a "well-known literary agency in New York." And, let's be honest: Between the myriad of predicaments this spunky gal has been in over the years, we have no doubt that this read will make the best sellers' list. Considering we're still rooting for Linds to make a comeback, we think it's good the damsel in distress is telling her side of the story in detail. We just hope we finally get to hear about what really went down at the Chateau Marmont. (Crushable)

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