Many of us would consider the snooze button our morning friend. A little birdie that allows us to get a few more minutes of sleep. However, if you find yourself routinely slapping the big S button more often than not in the AM, you may be causing your body's internal clock some serious damage.
When the snooze alarm is set off, you interrupt your body's current state of slumber. Fragmented sleep results in crankiness, cognitive problems, and an inability to pay attention — any of these symptoms sound familiar? Instead of depending on the snooze button, ask yourself: What is the underlying reason we need those extra minutes of sleep?
The truth: Many of us are simply not getting enough shut-eye to begin with. Curing our Snooze-Button Syndrome for good can be as simple as going to bed 30 minutes earlier. Another common culprit: blue-light emitting devices like our beloved computers and tablets. The production of melatonin is delayed by blue-light emissions, which results in a leftover amount of sleep hormones in your blood stream when you wake up. Translation: Your good-night's sleep is delayed, and that lost sleep is not something the snooze button can replace. (Everyday Health)
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