Here’s How To Banish The Word ‘Millennial’ From The Internet Forever

girls-HBO2photo courtesy of HBO.
According to Merriam-Webster, a millennial is a person who was born in the '80s and '90s, also known as a member of Generation Y. According to us, it's the irritatingly overused descriptor that spawned a thousand trend pieces in 2013. Most of them are geared toward America's new favorite pastime: millennial-bashing. Apparently older people are very concerned that younger people will be responsible for the apocalypse, and they want everyone to know it. The Internet says that millennials are lazy, entitled, unrealistic, and doomed. But, the only thing lazier than a so-called millennial, are the editors and writers who feel comfortable stereotyping an entire generation of young people just to get some clicks.
If only there was some way we could avoid the word in the new year. Well, it turns out there is. Zeke Weeks has created a Google Chrome extension that changes all uses of the word “millennials” to the phrase “pesky whipper-snappers.” Because, why beat around the bush right? Install it here. We feel better already. (BuzzFeed)

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