Eat Up! 20 Major Food Trends For 2014

It seems like just moments ago that we were lining up at 3 a.m. to sample the hybrid child born in the deep fryer of a mad genius. If 2013 was the year of the Cronut, then how can 2014 possibly top it? Well, there are no guarantees, but according to the experts, this year will give the last a run for its money. So, we spent the past few weeks examining the rising trends in food and listening to the predictions of the industry's trusted prognosticators.
Though there were some wild, one-off claims, most pros are calling out the same food and drink trends, loud and clear. Some of these concepts seem par for the course, some left our jaws on the floor, and others we're just not buying. But, if you had told us last January that we'd see grown men fighting over sugar-coated croissant-doughnuts, we would have rolled our eyes and gone back to our kombucha. Take a look at these predictions, and find out what you'll see popping up on menus this year. We hope you like cauliflower.

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