Curated Craigslist NYC, For Your Inner Bargain-Hunting Design Snob

curatedcraigslist-insidePhoto: Via Craigslist.
We, New Yorkers, simply don't have the time to scroll through the thousands upon thousands of Craigslist entries advertising slightly worn credenzas, coffee tables, Eames shell chairs, and other possible treasures. Besides, we're just too good for all that messy business, aren't we? Yet, in being New Yorkers, we're also usually broke — so we can't necessarily buy anything new. What is one to do?
Well, some blessed genius with an designer's eye and a nose for bargains has created Curated Craigslist, a Tumblr of the worthiest wares offered on the crowdsourced clearinghouse. It's kind of perfect, right?
We checked, and the unknown furniture obsessive behind-the-scenes here does have remarkably fine taste, managing to wring some on-the-cheap gems out of what is usually very slim pickings. For instance, four of the handsome chairs you see above are available for a mere $150 on the Upper East Side. Oh, and that brings us to our favorite part of Curated Craigslist: You can browse the site by neighborhood, because, you know, schlepping furniture by yellow cab just isn't a good idea. Here's hoping Curated Craigslist branches out into the Casual Encounters category. (Curated Craigslist)