Cameron Diaz’s Tips For A Healthy Life

So, you already know that Cameron Diaz is one of Hollywood's most recognizable A-listers. But, Diaz is more than just a rom-com darling — she's also passionate about health, nutrition, and speaking candidly about women's bodies. In her recently released The Body Book: The Law of Hunger, the Science of Strength, and Other Ways to Love Your Amazing Body, she writes with refreshing honesty on diets, when to give yourself a break, and, of course, poop.
It isn't what you might expect. It's not a lightweight feel-good collection of generalized advice points. There's no, "You are what you eat!" Instead, it's a refreshing primer on the actual biological processes at work in your body. As in, what really happens to that piece of toast once you chew it? What are its chemical constituents, and how does your body put them to work? Once you start thinking about your nutrition like that — as the chemical fuel to help you think and move — your whole relationship with food and dieting changes.
So, we sat down with Diaz to discuss everything from pubic hair to eating for strength. Ahead, eight ways to become your best, most empowered self.

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