True Detective‘s Alexandra Daddario Just Won Twitter

Alexandra-Daddario-true-detectivePhoto: Courtesy HBO.
Did you hear this one? The New York Times and Defamer both reported that President Obama uses his sway as the leader of the free world to get his mitts on episodes of Game of Thrones and our new fave, True Detective, long before they air. It's good to be king, right?
Now, as you may have seen, Alexandra Daddario, who plays mistress to Woody Harrelson's Detective Marty Hart, goes topless early on in the show. Don't worry, it's tasteful and appropriate given the plot.
Now, it seems that Daddario was aware of the Defamer piece above. Putting two and two together, the actor came up with what is bound to be the tweet of the week.
Well done, Ms. Daddario. With your tweet, you've taken something that might have been embarrassing to a less grounded person and turned it into a newly styled badge of honor. Indeed, if the President of the United States is taking time out of his busy schedule to see you, you must be doing something right. It doesn't matter what you're wearing. (Uproxx)

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