Katy Perry & John Mayer Have Reportedly Broken Up

1katyPhoto: Courtesy@johnmayer.
Well, according to recent reports, you can pretty much forget about those wedding plans. Just a couple of weeks after the rumor mill had them pegged as being engaged, it appears that Katy Perry and boyfriend/duet partner John Mayer have split up. Again. Suddenly, that kiss with Miley Cyrus makes a lot more sense. (Cue conspiracy theorists.)
According to a source "close to the pair" (you know, those infamous "sources"), Perry decided a few days ago to no longer make her body a wonderland for Mayer, whose past conquests include Taylor Swift, Jennifer Aniston, and Jessica Simpson. That's not to say things are over for good, mind you. This is actually the third time the music-minded couple has called it quits since getting together in the summer of 2012. They're basically the Liz Taylor and Richard Burton of pop music.
Ah, well. If nothing else, a good breakup anthem or two should come out of this. But, first, let's break out the Ben & Jerry's and wish both parties well. (E! News)

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