Being the child of two Hollywood megastars can't be easy. But, by all accounts, the Jolie-Pitt kids are doing pretty well. Vivienne, one half of the couple's youngest twins, even stars in Angelina's new movie Maleficent. She didn't nab the role because Brad and Angie have Hollywood aspirations for their daughter — she got it for an entirely more adorable reason.
Apparently, when Jolie dons the full villain getup, Jolie-Pitt is the only wee one who isn't completely petrified of her. "The other three- and four-year-olds wouldn't come near me," Jolie said to Entertainment Weekly. "It had to be a child that liked me and wasn't afraid of my horns and my eyes and my claws. So it had to be Viv."
We have to admit that little Viv seems pretty ballsy for someone who's not even in kindergarten yet — that Maleficent costume kind of scares us grownups a bit. And, Jolie told the mag her other offspring were thrown by her evil garb, too. "When Pax saw me for the first time, he ran away and got upset," she said. "I had to take off pieces [of the makeup] in front of him to show him it was all fake and not [to] freak out so much." At least the little lady takes after their mom. (Entertainment Weekly)