I-D Schools Us In How To Say All Those Crazy Fashion Words

No judgment, but are there any fashion brands you just can’t pronounce? This writer has always felt a little unsure of how to say Junya Watanabe, which is embarrassing, because it's one of my favorite labels.
But, all this is about to change, thanks to i-D’s latest video. The magazine teamed up with a bevy of up-and-coming models to shoot a short film that finally explains how to say all those complex couture names, from A to Z. That’s Azzedine Alaïa to Zegna. Lindsey Wixson, Esmerelda Seay-Reynolds, Grace Bol, and Soo Joo (who, it should be noted, all have difficult-to-pronounce monikers, too) take turns saying the fashion labels we wish were hanging our wardrobes. After you watch this clip, you'll never stumble over the word again — whether it's Versace (ver'sa'che) that trips you up or Hermès (air'mez).
Watch the video, and let us know in the comments section below the label you’ve always had trouble saying. Oh, and it'a joon'ya wa'ta'na'bey, in case you were curious. (i-D)

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