Lest you thought that The Great Pubic Hair Debate of 2014 was over, the folks over at The Cut put in their two cents today on the topic of women (and, erm, mannequins) ditching Brazilians in favor of a more natural look.
We covered the trend back in January, when we spoke to Michelle Mapes, an aesthetician at Stark Waxing Studio. Mapes confessed that some of her clients are going for a happy medium between the two extremes and getting waxed from "mid-labia to the back." We dubbed this phenomenon the pubic mullet — because, obviously. Which side you see as "business" and which side you see as "party" depends on your own genital-fur preferences.
While The Cut refers to the look throughout their story as "the Full-Bush Brazilian," they also take notice of the mullet comparison. (Notable quote: "I don’t look like a child, but I'm still clean for oral." Um, yay?) The article notes that, while some may consider the Full-Bush Brazilian purely for sexual reasons, it can also be much less painful than getting the full monty removed. Plus, if one prefers to shave, rather than wax, the undercarriage can actually be easier to shave than the bush, because there is often less (or finer) hair on those parts.
So, readers, let's get personal: Where are you on your pubic-hair odyssey? Have you tried — or would you try — sporting only the triangle? Or do you prefer to stay squarely in the camp of bare or lush? (The Cut)
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