Kim Kardashian dressed up as Audrey Hepburn, climbed on a bike, fell off, and just lay there. We spent more than several seconds staring at these photos, reveling in their absurdity, and felt like screaming, "How is this a world we live in?" outside our office windows. So, here are the array of headlines we pitched for this story. Which do you prefer?
WTF Is Hype, The Energy Drink In Kim Kardashian’s Bike Basket THAT NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT?
The Long, Difficult, & Storied History Of Celebrities Falling Off Of Things
Bikes: Are They The New Public Threat?
Audrey Hepburn Bangs Photoshopped On Unsuspecting Celebrities
Kim Kardashian Is Just Like Us, Except We Don't Fall Off Bikes
If Kim Kardashian Falls Off A Bike, & No One Is There To Hear It, Does It Make A Sound?
Kim Kardashian: Is She Being Crushed By The Weight Of Existence?
No, This Isn't A Slow News Day, But We Are Anticipating Commenters Saying That Anyway
Is Kim Kardashian The New Jennifer Lawrence?

But, somehow, Kim just laying there on the ground, with the entire world watching feels like it kind of needs to be seen and not really discussed. Because, without context (apparently this is for a commercial, but we'll see) these images are oddly wacky and strange.
Also, she looks sort of pretty.