There were the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks. The Capulets and Montagues. Team 'N Sync and Team Backstreet Boys. And, you picked one or the other. Recently, at The Hollywood Reporter's 35 Most Powerful People in New York Media party, Jenna Lyons also chose to not play the diplomat when asked: L.A. or NYC?
Her response: "Oh, my god. I mean — I grew up in California. I grew up in Los Angeles, actually. I'm very familiar. I did not own a wool coat. I did not own a wool sweater until I moved to New York. I think people here [in New York] love glamour, but they love individualistic glamour. I think in L.A., there's definitely a little more of a traditional way that people look. I was not blonde, I did not have a bathing suit body, and I always felt a little out of place. I think here, it's a little easier to be who you are. And there — you know — you've got to work it out. You've got to fit in. It's a little harder."
So, it's not exactly a dagger to the throat, but them's as close to fighting words a classy lady of Jenna's ilk can get. Blondes and bathing suit-bodied Los Angelenos — it's your move! (Hollywood Reporter)