Bad news for hot-tub lovers: Our friends at The Huffington Post have done research and unearthed some seriously unsavory germs you might pick up during a soak. The problem is that hot tubs’ tropical temps make it hard to keep disinfectant levels high enough to kill bacteria. Beware “hot-tub rash,” an infection caused by the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa; symptoms include itchy spots that turn into a rash, and pus-filled blisters that form around hair follicles within days of exposure.
Hot-tub hygiene risks don’t end there. Legionnaires’ disease is a potentially lethal kind of pneumonia caused by the Legionella bacterium, which can be inhaled from the steam off a contaminated tub. (Legionella can also cause Pontiac fever, a flu-like illness.) Plus, as if all that thriving hot-tub water bacteria weren't enough, bathers add their own germs (feces, urine, and sweat) when they hop in.
Ready to permanently subtract hot-tubbing from your summer plans? Never fear, there is a better way. Click through to find out how to make your hot-tub habit healthy. (The Huffington Post)