You know how it goes: You're shopping online, get to the checkout, fill out the form (including your email address), and suddenly you're receiving newsletter upon newsletter before the actual purchased item has even arrived. Sure, it's a frivolous problem, but a problem nonetheless. Every time you're forced to click to delete brings you closer to carpal tunnel. Ain't nobody got time for carpal tunnel — especially during the summer months, where every weekend likely involves some sort of beach-ball activity.
Instead of silently cursing the day you unwittingly flooded your inbox with permanently unopened emails, sign up for Unroll.me. It's a free digital service that purges your inbox of unwanted emails. It's like a maid service for your digital life. After syncing with your account, Unroll.me presents you with a list of every newsletter you're signed up for, asks you which you want to keep, "rollup," and which you want to kiss bye-bye forever. (The "rollup" option sends you all the newsletters in a single, neat email once a day.)
Breathe a sigh of relief, folks. You are but one click away from hardly clicking again, and enjoying that zero digit next to your inbox.