Should you find yourself in London and struck with a desire to be pressed against countless tourists, pop on over to Madame Tussauds. Outside of hitting up Wimbledon, attending a charity polo match, or stalking the Kings Road Zara, it may be your best chance to get a glimpse of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. No, really.
The royal couple's wax figures have undergone a makeover this week. Duchess Catherine has received a teal gown and pinned-back hairstyle. Prince William, meanwhile, is still in his tux, but looks somehow jowlier. (At least the hairline hasn't budged too much.)
One major grievance is the total absence of Prince George, especially considering the little man turns one this month. Our pals at Go Fug Yourself, however, have some more bones to pick. Click over and ask yourself this: Would Kate really carry that clutch? (Go Fug Yourself)