Rainbow Rowell is beloved for her mold-breaking YA novels Eleanor & Park and Fangirl, and the author recently made an interesting confession that's bound to have readers loving her even more. During a press tour for her new book, Landline, Rowell said that in-between writing Fangirl and Landline, she was "kind of depressed" and dealt with her feelings in a way many of us can appreciate. Namely, she wrote Harry Potter fanfic.
Rainbow first became vested in the world of Potter fan fiction while she was researching Fangirl. She tells The Bookseller that she tried her hand at writing some of her own during the lull between books.
The result? A 30,000-word novella in which Harry and Draco Malfoy are a married couple. Now, before your mind spirals to a less-than-pure place, please note that this fanfic is actually closer to realistic fiction.
"It’s Harry and Draco as a couple who have been married for many years, and they’re raising Harry’s kids, with Ginny, she has not been vilified," Rowell tells The Bookseller. "It’s them dealing with attachment parenting and step-parents and all these middle-aged issues of what it means to be a step-parent." The work closely mirrors the author's real-life experiences with the same issues.
The novella has never been published, but Rainbow will read part of it later this month at LeakyCon. She doesn't want J.K. Rowling to see it, though. "Someday I'll meet [her], and I'll be mortified," she confesses. Meanwhile, we're writing fanfic of our own in which that exact scenario occurs. (BuzzFeed)